Listen to your employee's opinion
Take care of his satisfaction and loyalty.

Employee Opinion Survey.

An important factor influencing the company's or organisation's success is people. Implementation of satisfaction study allows obtaining valuable information for the company regarding their needs, expectations and opportunities. It is, therefore, extremely important to constantly monitor what do the employees think about the atmosphere at work, its successes and failures, as well as get to know their emotional attitude, needs, feelings and values they consider as important. Satisfaction of employees is a key element of work efficiency. A satisfied employee can work much better and more effectively.

By researching key values for employees and company values, one can obtain comprehensive information on:

  • Values important for employees
  • identification with company values
  • awareness of company vision and mission
  • the need for changes
  • employees' ideas that can be a key element in company success


Badania opinii pracowników PAPI
Traditional survey
Badania opinii pracowników CAWI
Badania opinii pracowników CAPI
Mobile devices
Don't forget to visit the website devoted entirely to employee research:
Employee Satisfaction Survey
Badania opinii pracowników

Company and employee values.

The identification and integration of values important to the company and to the employee enable maintaining of employees motivation at a high level along with the development of the entire organisation. Such action requires clearly defined values in force in a company and a comparison with employees' perspective. It means a combination of personal goals with the values perceived in a company.

From the enterprise point of view, the use of values refers to the creation of visions, missions and actions, both, inside and outside the company. Motivating and integrating employees, as well as managing changes and dealing with critical situations are equally crucial. Values are important to the employees to realise their passions, self-fulfilment, building a sense of affiliation and developing their career in line with their aspirations. They can strengthen the company by using the best resources available.

Badania opinii pracowników

The management should satisfy not only company aspirations but also the employee ones. The result of such action is the common pursuit of something that both parties believe in, hence – employee involvement in creating a company mission as well as understanding and maintaining of a high level of satisfaction and motivation.

The benefits of conducting employee satisfaction surveys:

  • parametrised feedback on the processes within the company,
  • objective assessment of the level of satisfaction, motivation, professional development, relations with coworkers and management,
  • the opportunity to take actions to improve the management process,
  • identification of factors determining the level of satisfaction,
  • verification of the adopted system and rules prevailing in the company,
  • identification of strong and weak points, future opportunities and risks.
Badania opinii pracowników

Change management.

Change management is also reflected in the study on employee and company values. Thanks to the early definition of the set of values (or finding its absence), it is possible to quickly take appropriate action at the right time that would give the best effect. Improper actions, or lack thereof, at the wrong time, can only bring about losses.

Badania opinii pracowników

The employee satisfaction survey is a method that allows to assess the degree of satisfaction and to recognize the expectations and opinions of the staff in the problem areas indicated. Measuring scales are used to identify weak and strong points as well as to make the necessary improvements.

Stages of satisfaction survey projects.

  • determining the objectives of the study,
  • preparation of a research questionnaire,
  • research implementation (questionnaires, personal interview, online surveys)
  • preparation of a database from the research results
  • preparation of the final report and recommendations.
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Frequently asked questions.

Is it possible to conduct an employee opinion survey independently?
Absolutely. We allow our clients to conduct surveys on their own using the application. With this software, you can independently create a survey in an intuitive builder or use a ready-made template. If you wish to conduct a more complex research project, please contact our experts. With their assistance, conducting a challenging survey can be much easier.
How to prepare an employee satisfaction survey?
Ensure anonymity for employees during the survey process. Collect employee email addresses or consider using a paper survey or kiosks. Create a research tool and consult it!
Survey results - how are they delivered to the client?
The results that our specialists deliver to clients are in the form of a response database in an Excel file. There is also an option, after prior arrangement, to commission our experts to analyze the received results. In that case, the client will receive the analysis along with the research report in Word format as well as a PDF file.
We also carry out comprehensive projects starting from problem diagnosis, through the application of appropriate tested questionnaires, meetings with employees, implementation of online surveys, paper surveys, and surveys on TabKiosks.
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