Brand research: Understanding market position

11 lipca 2024
Brand awareness research Brand recognition research Brand equity
Brand research plays a significant role in understanding its position in the market and shaping marketing strategies. When planning and implementing a marketing strategy, it's worthwhile to delve into several aspects related to brand research.

Brand awareness research

Brand awareness research is a crucial marketing tool aimed at understanding how consumers perceive a particular brand and what knowledge they have about it. This type of research focuses on the brand's recognizability among the target audience, assessing the extent to which consumers are aware of the brand's existence in the market.
If you're wondering about the practical significance of brand awareness research, consider the following benefits:
  • Market positioning: Brand awareness research allows companies to understand their place in consumers' minds compared to the competition. This is crucial for effective market positioning.
  • Marketing campaign planning: Based on research results, marketing strategies can be adjusted, focusing on elements that impact brand awareness. Advertising campaigns can be designed to increase recognition.
  • Support for business decisions: Knowledge about the level of brand awareness enables better business decision-making. Companies can adjust strategies to increase visibility and attract new customers.
  • Customer loyalty: Brand awareness is related to customer loyalty. Consumers who are more aware of a brand are often more inclined to remain loyal.
  • Evaluation of marketing effectiveness: These studies allow the assessment of the effectiveness of various marketing activities in building brand awareness. This enables strategy adjustments for better results.
Brand awareness research is, therefore, a key tool in analyzing marketing strategy, helping companies build a strong market presence and effectively compete for consumer attention.

Brand recognition research

Another type of research is brand recognition research. It can be applied in areas such as:
  • Evaluation of marketing strategy effectiveness: Brand recognition research helps companies understand how well their marketing strategies translate into recognition among consumers.
  • Measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns: Through brand recognition research, one can assess whether advertising campaigns contribute to increased brand awareness among the target audience.
  • Identification of areas for improvement: This research helps identify areas where the brand may be less known or poorly recognized, allowing for corrective actions.
  • Building a strong brand identity: Brand recognition is the foundation for building a strong brand identity. The more consumers are aware of the brand, the greater the likelihood that they will recognize and prefer it.
  • Guidance for marketing efforts: Based on research results, marketing strategies can be adjusted, directing efforts to areas that require more attention in building brand recognition.
  • Market competitiveness: Knowledge of brand recognition levels allows a company to assess its competitiveness in the market. Higher brand recognition often translates into better results compared to competitors.

Brand equity

Brand equity is the abstract value that a brand carries and represents in the minds of consumers. This concept refers to the strength and value of the brand, which surpasses specific products or services offered by the company. Brand equity is a collection of associations, feelings, experiences, and perceived values associated with a particular brand.
Elements of brand equity include:
  • Brand awareness: The degree to which consumers are aware of the brand's existence. This may include the recognizability of the logo, name, slogan, or other identifying elements.
  • Customer loyalty: The tendency of consumers to choose a particular brand in specific purchasing situations. Loyal customers are more likely to repeat purchases and recommend the brand to others.
  • Associations and values: What consumers think about the brand. These can be positive characteristics, values, attributes, as well as experiences associated with the brand.
  • Trust: The degree to which consumers trust the brand. Trust is crucial for building loyalty and long-term relationships with customers.
  • Product and service range: Products and services associated with the brand. A good reputation for one product can influence the perception of other products offered by the brand.
  • Price/quality ratio: Consumer perception of the quality-to-price ratio of products or services offered by the brand.
  • Communication and marketing: The effectiveness of marketing activities and communication in shaping a positive brand image.
On the list of benefits resulting from caring for and building brand equity, you can mention:
  • Competitive advantage: Brands with strong equity have a competitive advantage because consumers are more likely to choose them among other options in the market.
  • Value for the consumer: Brand equity influences the value of the brand in the eyes of the consumer. Strong brands are often associated with high quality, reliability, and other positive attributes.
  • Better financial results: Companies with brands with high equity often achieve better financial results because they can command higher prices for their products or services.
  • Greater resilience to crises: A strong brand is more resilient to crises because loyal customers are more likely to withstand difficult times, and the brand has a better ability to recover after negative experiences.
  • Development potential: Brand equity provides the foundation for further product development, expansion into new markets, and effective marketing activities.
As a result, brand equity management becomes a strategic element for companies aiming for long-term success in the market. Properly building, maintaining, and strengthening brand equity are crucial for effectively positioning the brand in the minds of consumers.
- Brand research should be conducted periodically and the intervals between surveys depend on, among other things, the marketing activities carried out, the competition and the specifics of the brand. Monitoring makes it possible to compare with previous waves and to react, for example, to a decline in awareness or image. This is especially important for brands that face strong competition, and for industry leaders it allows them to maintain their position - explains Dr Monika Jaremków - R&D Director at Biostat Research and Development Centre.
See also: Marketing Research
As a result, brand equity management becomes a strategic element for companies aiming for long-term success in the market. Properly building, maintaining, and strengthening brand equity are crucial for effectively positioning the brand in the minds of consumers.
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Frequently asked questions

What are the main benefits of conducting brand awareness research?

Brand awareness research helps understand how consumers perceive a particular brand and what knowledge they have about it. Key benefits include effective market positioning, adjusting marketing strategies, supporting business decisions, building customer loyalty, and evaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities.

What are the areas of application for brand recognition research?

Brand recognition research is applied in evaluating the effectiveness of marketing strategies, measuring the efficiency of advertising campaigns, identifying areas for improvement, building a strong brand identity, directing marketing efforts, and understanding market competition.

What benefits arise from building brand equity?
Benefits of building brand equity include a competitive advantage, value for the consumer, better financial results, the potential for brand development allowing expansion into new markets, and effective marketing activities.
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