Market Research Poland

Market research is an effective tool for every company development. It is based on gathering and analysing the information on market-driven processes. On account of data collected, one can provide interpretation of the roots and directions as far as current and future possible trends are concerned. It constitutes the basis for the business decision-making process. Market analyses allow for data collection on economic mechanisms structure. They can be implemented i.a. to determine the demand and supply level along with their reference to price and related matters.

The methods we implement in our research?
Market Research projects are carried out with the use of latest solutions such as consumer panel '' or our authorial research platform 'SurvGo'. Thanks to this, we are able to guarantee swift action for the project implementation. The results are presented in the form of automatic reports. Market Research has never been that easy.

Not only we apply modern methods. We are also in favour of the traditional ones:
  • Desk research – The analysis includes information sources from public institutions such as GUS, NFZ, law regulations with amendments, company financial statements, newsletters, registers, public auctions, media discourse or business magazines
  • CATI – phone interviews with clients, distributors, competitive entrepreneurs, or business experts. Qualitative interviews are carried out with the new Cati-System;
  • PAPI – quantitative research on a paper questionnaire basis;
  • SMS survey research;
  • CAWI – online survey research. The quickest way to gather data from the target group of respondents.
  • IDI – In-depth interviews, carried out with the presence of an experienced moderator. The study is completed with a report created on the basis of audio transcriptions;
  • FGI – Focus Group Interview. They allow for data gathering on clients’ hidden buying behaviours;
  • Secret Client – thanks to this method, we are able to evaluate the quality of sale outlets service as well as determine the level of standards observation.
The scope of our Market Research offer includes.
Client study
satisfaction, buying preferences, determining the target group
Brand study
recognizability, differentiators, advertising message, brand placement
Product study
Consumer test, packaging, substitution, price tolerance
Segmentation study
Consumer profile analysis, target group identification
Competition study
estimating market coverage, offer analysis
We implement the following researchmethods.
The Market Study we offer:
  • Computer-aided personal interview (CAPI)
  • Paper & Pen Personal Interview (PAPI)
  • Computer-aided Telephone Interview (CATI)
  • On-line surveys (CAWI)
  • In-depth Interview (IDI), dyads, triads
  • Focused Group Interviews (FGI)
  • Secret Client (mystery shopping)
  • Desk research analysis
  • SWOT analysis
  • Case study
Don't forget to visit our new portal dedicated to Market Research:

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Monika Jaremków
Monika Jaremków, PhD
Director of Research

Frequently asked questions.

How are data acquired for market research?
The sources of data acquisition depend on the type of research being conducted. Different data are collected and analyzed in qualitative studies compared to quantitative studies. Quantitative research is based on data that enables statistical inference. On the other hand, qualitative research is carried out with significantly smaller groups, requiring in-depth analysis of specific phenomena. When using the desk research method for market research, we utilize publicly available data sources such as the Central Statistical Office (GUS), Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), industry portals, academic publications, and market reports. The scope of collected data is always individually determined during the analysis of the client's inquiry.
How long does a market research study take?
The duration of a research study depends on several factors: scope, research methodology, and the specific nature of the industry under investigation. Market research can last from one week to even two months. Each time, the duration of the study is individually established with the client.
How do you analyze market structure?
If we are planning to introduce our offering into a specific market, it is valuable to analyze its structure, as this allows for making strategic decisions for the company. When analyzing the market, we consider its size and prevailing trends. Another factor is the market shares of major players and the distribution methods of products in the market. This enables the development of a competitive analysis as well as an assessment of success and risk factors. Ultimately, we will also determine the appropriate pricing range for the product being implemented in the market.
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