Scientific and research projects

Actively participate in the role of contractor studies and analyzes of research projects in all fields of science require collection and processing of data sets and preparation of statistical reports. Our experience dates back to now in many areas, including medicine, psychology and economics.

We successfully realized a number of projects related to the study of the efficacy of drugs and treatments. The analyzes concerned both strictly medical (comparative efficacy, bioequivalence analysis) as well as the cost-effectiveness of a given type of treatment and quality of life (QUALy). Data analysis plays an important role in any project is currently an important field of medicine, both investigating the effectiveness of therapy, and looking for independent risk factors. Not without significance, especially in research in the field of psychiatry and psychology is the selection of adequate and reliable measurement tools. We also do psychometric analysis and reliability analysis and measurement tools in a very wide range of statistical analysis for psychological research (both social psychology and clinical).

Among the tests performed by us plays an important role projects marketing analysis, market segmentation, sales forecasting, models and methods used in these issues.

Many years of experience in research and development and a considerable number of projects gives our customers a guarantee of success. We research, we are authors of numerous publications on the applications of statistics and biostatistics.

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