Badania marketingowe

Marketing Research

We offer our clients comprehensive marketing research, knowledge acquisition solutions through outsourcing. Credible information based on meticulously conducted research using modern data analysis methods and data mining is the foundation of a company's success and growth. Our offerings are directed towards companies aiming for development, entering new markets and gaining new customers, increasing the effectiveness of marketing activities, and improving sales. We propose solutions based on modern CRM and data mining methods.

The scope of our marketing research offerings includes:
  • Market segmentation
  • A wide range of risk models:
    • Insolvency risk models
    • Customer churn analysis
    • Scoring system modeling
  • Research for the pharmaceutical market:
    • Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription (RX) drug market research
  • Statistical-epidemiological research
  • Product positioning in the market
  • Product opinion research
  • Promotion and advertising research
  • Identification of test markets
  • Identifying market gaps and niches
  • Consumer preferences regarding specific products
  • Price analysis, advertising expenditures, competitive goods
  • Determining the most important product characteristics for consumers, shopping habit analysis
  • Market structure determination
  • Determining and forecasting market share and sales volume
  • Customer value determination (Life Time Value)
  • Product basket determination, cooperation in creating the company's offer
  • Customer needs research and analysis

In the realm of marketing and CRM analysis, we offer customer, competition, and/or market analysis based on the data provided by you. Many companies store valuable customer data in their archives without realizing their worth. We also develop purposeful strategies from the ground up, starting with defining research objectives and determining the methods for acquiring the necessary data.

We also provide analysis based on survey data and traditional marketing research.

Research Guide
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No Service Scope Target Audience Completion Time Net Price (starting from...)
1 4 IDI, 2 FGI, Two-stage Analysis, Report Consumers 7-14 days 12 400 PLN
2 2 FGI, Report Consumers 7-14 days 10 900 PLN
3 Brand Recognition Research (CAWI - Online Survey, n=600), Report Consumers 2-4 days od 6 800 PLN
4 Brand Recognition Research (CATI, n=600), Report Consumers 7-14 days 19 900 PLN
5 Public Opinion Research, Survey (n=1000) Consumers 2-5 days from 6 900 PLN

Check the cost of the survey

Thanks to online survey tools, marketing research becomes more accessible and affordable for various entities, including small businesses. There are many benefits associated with this solution:

  • Low research costs
  • Time savings
  • Access to real-time results
  • Simplified reports
  • Choice of the research sample from the panel
  • Additional services from our experts

With solutions like SurvGo, marketing research is no longer reserved for large corporations, becoming available to a wide range of businesses.

*The price is net; VAT at 23% should be added.

Frequently asked questions.

How does Biostat conduct customer opinion research?

The research is conducted in a very thorough and comprehensive manner, drawing on the knowledge and experience of our entire team. We often use the Net Promoter Score (NPS) indicator, which allows for quick verification of service satisfaction levels. This type of research is highly effective and allows for efficient measurement of customer satisfaction.

What features are guaranteed by our application?
  • Ready-made templates and questionnaires
  • Cloud storage
  • Intuitive and responsive interface
  • Online sharing
  • Export to XLS, CSV
  • Email/SMS surveys
What techniques and methods are used in marketing research?
  • CATI - Computer-assisted telephone interviews
  • CAPI - Computer-assisted personal interviews
  • CAWI - Web-based electronic surveys
  • PAPI - Paper-and-pencil personal interviews
How long does it take to complete a marketing research project with Biostat?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question because each research project is unique. It depends on the number of participants, the complexity of the research, and any additional result analysis commissioned. The duration of such research can range from several days to a few weeks.

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