
BioStat® Research
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Post-stroke aphasia. Biostat in a clinical trial in the US
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Office of the Ombudsman- new challenges

In cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman, we undertook analysis of the two poorly indentified social problems in Poland.

In the first of the project, we analyzed in detail the attitude of doctors currently specializing in the fields of medicine, in which people of different orientation than heterosexual are particularly vulnerable to discrimination and harassment.

In cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman, we undertook analysis of the two poorly indentified social problems in Poland.

In the first of the project, we analyzed in detail the attitude of doctors currently specializing in the fields of medicine, in which people of different orientation than heterosexual are particularly vulnerable to discrimination and harassment.

The study helped to achieve the goals related with identification of doctors during their specialization:

Our second study focused on the phenomenon of domestic violence, especially on women with disabilities and the elderly ie, older than 65 years.

The project was attended by members of interdisciplinary teams, showing their knowledge about the legal solution for assistance to victims of violence. The study consisted of two consecutive and complementary to each section, that is the quantitative and qualitative research, realized sequentially in November (quantitative research) and in late November and December 2012 (qualitative research). The study covered the entire country.

In the report we placed emphasis on knowledge of the respondents about a legal solutions for the prevention and fight against the phenomenon of domestic violence, and definition and characteristics of domestic violence.

Experts of the Ombudsman’s Office highly rated the usefulness of presented results. Both issues in the near future will be a subject of further, deepen exploration.

  • Knowledge about the treatment of non-heterosexual people
  • Stereotypes associated witch the treatment of homosexual and bisexual
  • Attitude of doctors in the specialization towards non-heterosexual
  • Knowledge of doctors on the need of people with non-heterosexual orientation
    • Attitudes of doctors to these people
    • Behavior of doctors, particularly those related with language communication, to take or not taking treatment, referred for examination stereotypically associated with homosexuality regardless of the specific symptoms of the disease.
  • Disclose by patients or not their sexual orientation.

p>Our second study focused on the phenomenon of domestic violence, especially on women with disabilities and the elderly ie, older than 65 years.

The project was attended by members of interdisciplinary teams, showing their knowledge about the legal solution for assistance to victims of violence. The study consisted of two consecutive and complementary to each section, that is the quantitative and qualitative research, realized sequentially in November (quantitative research) and in late November and December 2012 (qualitative research). The study covered the entire country.

In the report we placed emphasis on knowledge of the respondents about a legal solutions for the prevention and fight against the phenomenon of domestic violence, and definition and characteristics of domestic violence.

Experts of the Ombudsman’s Office highly rated the usefulness of presented results. Both issues in the near future will be a subject of further, deepen exploration.

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